Bundle up our amazing Binoid Delta 8 THC tinctures and save big. Get 3 of any strength tincture including the 1000mg, 2500mg, or 5000mg options.
- Option 1: Three 1000mg tinctures
- Option 2: Three 2500mg tinctures
- Option 3: Three 5000mg tinctures
- Flavor: Light and Pleasant
Binoid Delta 8 THC tinctures use premium 92% Delta 8 THC, suspended in MCT (medium-chain triglycerides). Our Delta 8 Tinctures are a great way of taking Delta 8.
Delta 8 THC is an isomer of CBD and another cannabinoid found in hemp and hemp extracts. While Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC have similar names, they are distinctly different compounds with distinctly different characteristics, and there are clear-cut reasons why delta 8 THC was made fully federally legal by H.R. 2: The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 and delta 9 THC was limited to a maximum content of 0.3%.